District of Paracas, province of Pisco, Department of Ica.
The RNSIIPG is made up of 22 islands or islets and 11 guano peninsulas, and its objective is to conserve a representative sample of the biological diversity of the marine-coastal ecosystems of the cold sea of the Humboldt current, ensuring the biological cycle of the species that in they inhabit, as well as their sustainable use with the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of resources.
The Ballestas Islands are also part of this national reserve, which houses species important for their conservation.
District of Paracas, province of Pisco, Department of Ica.
7197.01 hectares.
Monday to Sunday from 06:00 to 13:00 h.
Nationals Locales2 |
¹ Children from 5 to 16 years old. Children under 5 years old get free admission.
² Local residents with presentation of ID.
The promotional admission fee to 2 Protected Natural Areas (Paracas National Reserve and RNSIIPG) S/17.00
On the first Sunday of each month, admission is free to the local population of the region of Ica (except long holidays). Also, free admission for the local population (adults and children) on Environment Day (June 5th), Oceans Day (June 8th), and District of Paracas Creation Day (March 7th). In addition, free admission to all national visitors (adults and children) on World Tourism Day (September 27th).
From Lima to Paracas: | by land in 3.5 hours / 259 km. |
From Ica to Paracas: | by land in 1 hour / 71 km. |
Paracas to the Ballestas Islands: | 19 km / 1 hour and 40 minutes. |
The Ballestas Islands are one of the most important tourist destinations in the country. They are made up of three islands (North, Central and South Ballestas), where landforms (product of marine erosion) molded as arches can be observed, which gives a scenic and mystical beauty to said PNA, also housing the populations of South American sea lions, while on the cliffs of the islands, colonies of birds such as boobies can be observed, as well as the most important colony of penguins in the area called Saltadero, where the species rises and falls from the islands in search of their food. The Ballestas Islands are an important place for the life of these species because it provides them with a resting and reproduction area.
Also find out which operators have the Aliados por la Conservación brand here
Throughout the year you can visit the Ballestas Islands, where you will observe a great diversity of birds and marine mammals that inhabit the islands and peninsulas, typical species of the current Humboldt ecosystem. Likewise, it is possible to observe landforms product of marine erosion in the PNA.
At the moment there are no tour operators